Professional Interest Group Discussion on Health Care Improvement—Best Practices in Implementing ADA’s Standards of Care in Diabetes
Monday, June 26, at 11:30 a.m. PT
Ballroom 6A-B
San Diego Convention Center
(Livestream Available)
Presentation: Strategies to Improve the Use of SGLT2 Inhibitors and GLP-1RAs in Primary Care

Joanna Mitri, MD, MS
Medical Director, Global Education and Care,
Joslin Diabetes Center
What is your presentation about?
The presentation is about the importance of empowering the PCP with the knowledge and the tools to improve the use of guideline-directed therapy. It provides practical tips and an overview of programs we have designed to support primary care practices to improve diabetes care.
What makes this topic important in 2023?
PCPs deliver clinical care to ~90% of individuals with type 2 diabetes. When it comes to guideline-directed therapy, PCPs are instrumental in helping their patients to adopt new medications and adhere to treatment.
How did you become involved with this area of diabetes research or care?
As the medical director of the Joslin Global Education and Care, I know from firsthand experience, there is a huge need to support practices on different levels. Our mission is to improve the care and outcomes of persons with diabetes by providing resources, training, and solutions to organizations and clinicians globally, creating a lasting impact in healthcare.
How do you think your presentation will impact diabetes research or care?
I am hoping the presentation will increase awareness about the role of primary care in using guideline-directed therapy for patients with diabetes. I am also hoping to spread the word about the role we can play in contributing to initiatives supporting primary care practices and providers.
What are you most looking forward to at the 83rd Scientific Sessions?
Connecting with peers, colleagues, and partners.