View More 2020, Presenter Perspectives, Scientific Sessions

Histologic Analysis of Prohormone Processing


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Histologic Analysis of Prohormone Processing

3:15 p.m. CT Saturday, June 13

My presentation, which is part of the symposium Slicing and Dicing—Prohormone Processing in Diabetes, shows the latest data on proinsulin processing in type 1 diabetes. You will be able to hear and see exciting new research obtained from the analysis of human pancreas samples as part of my collaboration with the Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors with Diabetes (nPOD). Together, we will take a little trip to the pancreas, passing through the islets, and finally landing on the beta cells. We will observe how proinsulin and insulin are expressed before and after onset of type 1 diabetes. In our journey, we will also take a look at the expression of proinsulin processing enzymes in order to understand if they might be defective and to study when in the disease process this might occur. Join me in this small quest to investigate beta cell dysfunction in type 1 diabetes!


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