On Friday, April 3, the global COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic forced the American Diabetes Association to restructure the Scientific Sessions, its flagship professional event, from an in-person meeting to an all-virtual experience for the first time in its 80-year history.
Thanks to tremendous cooperation from the scheduled presenters, ADA staff was able to transition nearly every session planned for the physical meeting to the virtual event. So with very few exceptions, the presentation schedule for the virtual event mirrored the schedule planned for the physical meeting.
Diabetes professionals from around the world enthusiastically supported the virtual event as well. More than 12,500 professionals from 134 countries registered for the meeting, with millions more engaging on social media.
“The virtual Scientific Sessions were a tremendous success,” said Robert H. Eckel, MD, ADA President, Medicine & Science. “Nearly all presentations expected for the original meeting were given, and attendees were even more numerous than were present in San Francisco in 2019. Moreover, the international audience was a greater percentage of total attendees than last year.”
And although the meeting may be over, the science never stops. More than 800 archived presentations can be viewed by registered meeting attendees at ADA2020.org through September 10, 2020. If you haven’t registered for the Virtual 80th Scientific Sessions, register today to access all of the valuable meeting content.
After viewing the sessions, don’t forget to claim your Continuing Education credit.
And be sure to save the date for next year’s Scientific Sessions, which will be held June 25-29 in Washington, DC. See you there!
Thank You for participating in the Virtual 80th Scientific Sessions
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