NDEP Symposium—How Do We Focus on Consensus Rather Than Controversy? Guiding Principles for the Care of People with or at Risk for Diabetes
8:00 a.m. Sunday
S-208 (South, Level 2)
What do we do when diabetes guidelines conflict? The National Diabetes Education Program recently updated its Guiding Principles for the Care of People with or at Risk for Diabetes, highlighting areas of agreement among guideline-producing organizations around principles in diabetes prevention and care. The updated Guiding Principles document incorporates growing evidence around individualization of care, shared decision-making, CV prevention, and obesity management. Join us Sunday morning from 8-10 at the NDEP Symposium How Do We Focus on Consensus Rather Than Controversy? Guiding Principles for the Care of People with or at Risk for Diabetes. Dr. Sue Kirkman will discuss the rationale for and history of the development of the Guiding Principles document. Dr. Carol Mangione, Dr. Scott Kahan, and Dr. Jay Shubrook will then speak about issues in diabetes prevention and care from a Geriatrics, Obesity Medicine, and Family Medicine perspective, respectively. Dr. Ann Albright and Dr. Griffin Rogers will provide insight into how CDC and NIDDK, respectively, hope to narrow evidence gaps in diabetes care and prevention. And finally, there will be ample time for questions, feedback, and discussion.