Diabetes professionals from around the globe will convene in Orlando in June to share the latest advancements in diabetes research, connect with colleagues, and forge new collaborations to advance the care of people living with diabetes.
The 84th Scientific Sessions will take place June 21-24 at the Orange County Convention Center. Registration is underway, and advance registration rates are available through May 9.

“There’s nothing more exciting than the ADA Scientific Sessions for groundbreaking advances in diabetes and to connect with colleagues,” said Marlon Pragnell, PhD, ADA Vice President of Research & Science. “It’s the best world-class science. It’s the sharing of ideas to cure, treat, and prevent diabetes. It’s the whole spectrum, from basic science to clinical research to implementation science to policy. It’s an absolutely amazing meeting.”
More than 200 sessions will be presented onsite during the meeting, including a daily selection of livestreamed sessions. Most sessions, in addition to the 60-plus livestreamed sessions, will be available for on-demand viewing for registered meeting participants following the meeting through Aug. 26.
“There are so many great talks at Scientific Sessions, it’s reassuring to know you can attend whichever session you like, and then be able go home and catch up on those you might have missed,” Dr. Pragnell said, adding that posters presented at the meeting also will be available online.
Attendees will have opportunities to connect and exchange ideas outside of the scientific program, such as the Networking Reception and the WIN ADA Networking Reception, both on Friday evening, June 21; Professional Membership Interest Group Networking Events on June 22-24; and the Virtual 5K@ADA Group Run on June 22-23.
“Diabetes takes a toll on every single organ system. It affects the physical and mental health of individuals, families and communities—and there are significant health disparities,” Dr. Pragnell said. “Because of the breadth of the meeting and the top-quality scientists in every domain of diabetes, the Scientific Sessions is a great place to go deep within your own specific field and learn across fields as well.”
The Innovation Challenge, which debuted in 2023, will once again invite emerging companies to pitch novel ideas to improve the lives of people living with diabetes. A panel of judges, with input from a live audience, determine which contestants will earn a private audience with potential funders.
The Scientific Sessions Exhibit Hall provides additional opportunities for engagement. It also showcases the fulfillment of some of the promises of the groundbreaking research presented annually.
“In the session rooms and poster hall, there’s a plethora of discussions where innovative ideas take shape. In the Exhibit Hall, you see how many of these concepts have materialized into products—drugs, therapies, treatment technologies—dedicated to improving diabetes care,” explained Dr. Pragnell. “It’s another exhilarating aspect of the meeting when you attend from year to year.”
Information on individual sessions, speakers, and exhibits is available in the Online Planner.
Get On-Demand Access to the Scientific Sessions
There is still time to register for on-demand access to learn about the latest advances in diabetes research, prevention, and care presented at the 84th Scientific Sessions. Select session recordings will be available through Aug. 26.