Professional Interest Group Discussion on Diabetes Technology—Interpreting Time-in-Range in Different Populations and Situations
12:00 p.m. CT Monday, June 15
The Diabetes Technology Special Interest Group is excited to host a symposium on interpreting time-in-range (TIR) in different populations of people with diabetes and in different situations. As use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is becoming more common, we now have access to metrics such as TIR. In this symposium, chaired by Anne Peters, MD, we explore how clinical providers and researchers can think about and use TIR in their practices. John Petrie, PhD, will start by discussing “Time-in-Range as a Research Outcome Measure,” including the utility and challenges of TIR versus hemoglobin A1C in clinical studies. Next, Viral Shah, MD, will present “Interpreting Time-in-Range in Pregnancy,” discussing TIR goals and CGM performance in pregnant women. This will be followed by “Interpreting Time-in-Range in Children,” in which Jenise Wong, MD, PhD, will discuss what is known about TIR in children in clinical studies and the real world, with practical tips for pediatric providers. Finally, Joseph Aloi, MD, will conclude with “Utilizing Time-in-Range for Pre-Op Clearance,” in which we will explore if TIR can assist in clearance for and scheduling surgery. Please join us for a lively discussion about how the TIR metric can impact your clinical care and research.
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