Empowering the Acute Care Team to Optimize Diabetes Care and Education
Monday, June 26, at 8:00 a.m. PT
Room 29
San Diego Convention Center
Presentation: Creative Diabetes Orders—If They Can Click On It, They’ll Order It

Jessica M. Odom, PharmD, BCPS, BC-ADM
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist,
Prisma Health
What is your presentation about?
I will be sharing solutions that have been implemented in the EMR for common inpatient diabetes and insulin management challenges. Errors can occur at transitions from insulin infusions to subcutaneous insulin or from premixed insulin to basal-bolus regimens. Banners and best practice alerts can identify patients at high risk of hypoglycemic events. Discharge order sets can ensure patients are prescribed the correct insulin formulation with the necessary supplies to administer insulin at home.
What makes this topic important in 2023?
Insulin is a high-risk medication and patients with diabetes account for 25% of hospital admissions. Providers need smart solutions to provide safe and efficient care in the hospital while balancing high volumes and multiple priorities.
How did you become involved with this area of diabetes research or care?
I serve on my health system’s Diabetes Steering Committee and as the pharmacy subject matter expert for all insulin and diabetes order sets and processes.
How do you think your presentation will impact diabetes research or care?
I hope to share solutions that could be utilized at other health systems who have similar challenges with inpatient diabetes management. Other institutions will be prioritizing diabetes management with the upcoming CMS measures to assess inpatient hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. I hope to facilitate some discussion with presentation attendees regarding successful efforts in their practice.
What are you most looking forward to at the 83rd Scientific Sessions?
I am most excited to attend the educational sessions with diabetes leaders in the field.