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  • Research indicates reciprocal links between diabetes and menopause symptoms, onset

    Research indicates reciprocal links between diabetes and menopause symptoms, onset

    Studies indicate that women diagnosed with diabetes before age 20 have an increased risk of early menopause, and that early onset of menopause is associated with a greater risk of type 2 diabetes. Five experts, including Kristen Gray, PhD, MS, discussed the reciprocal links between menopause and diabetes during the Virtual 80th Scientfiic Sessions.

  • Experts review new insights, lessons learned about bariatric surgery

    Experts review new insights, lessons learned about bariatric surgery

    Bariatric surgery helps patients lose weight and improves insulin sensitivity, but follow-up and postoperative management are critical for enduring success and overall health, according to the five experts who presented a virtual symposium on bariatric surgery during the Scientific Sessions. Michael Roden, MD, chaired the symposium and discussed metabolism remodeling following bariatric surgery.

  • Investigators explore latest research examining relationship of fetal sex to diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome

    Investigators explore latest research examining relationship of fetal sex to diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome

    Four researchers, including Samantha Ehrlich, PhD, reviewed the latest data related to fetal sex and pregnancy outcomes during a Scientific Sessions symposium. Ongoing research has revealed several insights into how fetal sex may influence not only the mother’s health during pregnancy and beyond, but also how it may influence the child’s health throughout life.

  • Diabetes prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa will more than double in next 25 years, experts warn

    Diabetes prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa will more than double in next 25 years, experts warn

    More than 19 million people in sub-Saharan Africa are currently diagnosed with diabetes, with another 27 million expected to be diagnosed by 2045. These stark numbers require immediate action, according to the experts who presented a Scientific Sessions symposium exploring diabetes in sub-Saharan Africa. Ayesha Motala, MB, ChB, MD, FRCP, FCP, moderated the virtual presentation.

  • Wide adoption of digital devices creates opportunities to improve diabetes care

    Wide adoption of digital devices creates opportunities to improve diabetes care

    Rachel Stahl, MS, RD, CDN, and three other health innovation experts shared strategies for integrating digital technologies into diabetes management during a Scientific Sessions symposium. Half a billion people worldwide use digital devices for health-related purposes, from managing chronic diseases to tracking diet and physical activity, Stahl said.

  • Experts debate whether drawing the line between primary and secondary prevention improves CVD outcomes for diabetes patients

    Experts debate whether drawing the line between primary and secondary prevention improves CVD outcomes for diabetes patients

    During a Current Issues debate at the Virtual 80th Scientific Sessions, four experts examined whether distinguishing between primary and secondary prevention strategies can improve cardiovascular disease outcomes for diabetes patients. Milton Packer, MD, and Javed Butler, MD, MPH, MBA, debated the need to distinguish between prevention strategies for heart failure complications.

  • Experts review current recommendations for management of diabetic neuropathies

    Experts review current recommendations for management of diabetic neuropathies

    During a Virtual 80th Scientific Sessions symposium, Karen L. Jones, PhD, DipAppSc, and two other experts provided an update on the latest research and current recommendations for treating diabetic neuropathies, including the clinical management of gastrointestinal autonomic neuropathies, the impact of diet and lifestyle interventions on diabetic neuropathies, and the pharmacological management of painful neuropathy.

  • SGLT2 inhibitors reduce cardiorenal disease with benefits to multiple systems

    SGLT2 inhibitors reduce cardiorenal disease with benefits to multiple systems

    During a Scientific Sessions virtual presentation, a panel of experts, including Subodh Verma, MD, PhD, FRCSC, and Ele Ferrannini, MD, reviewed the benefits of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors in metabolic mediation, in the heart, and in the kidney. SGLT2 inhibitors have a profound renal effect, they lower blood glucose levels, and they work to…

  • Researchers debate whether artificial pancreas systems should be single or dual hormone

    Researchers debate whether artificial pancreas systems should be single or dual hormone

    Two researchers went head-to-head in a virtual debate examining whether artificial pancreas systems should be single hormone (insulin only) or dual hormone (insulin and glucagon or dasiglucagon) during the Scientific Sessions. Roman Hovorka, PhD, FMedSci, made the case for a single-hormone artificial pancreas system while Steven J. Russell, MD, PhD, presented a counterargument in favor…

  • Diabetes providers should screen for female sexual dysfunction, experts say

    Diabetes providers should screen for female sexual dysfunction, experts say

    Alice Cheng, MD, FRCPC, and Sharon Parish, MD, discussed female sexual dysfunction in diabetes patients during the Virtual 80th Scientific Sessions. The majority of women with diabetes face issues related to sexual health and would like their doctors to initiate conversations about sexual dysfunction, Dr. Cheng said.